Tuesday 6 October 2009


Firstly I need to say sorry for the complete poorness of my last blog. I guess I'm feeling a bit low and needed someone or something to rant to. Unfortunately for your willing ears I chose the media of a blog. A recent conversation with someone close to me has brought back some deep deep memories. Memories of sessions with the psychiatrist during my parents divorce and it really does surprise me just how negative the response to the news of me going a shrink is. Does wanting to talk my problems through with a stranger make me that much of a freak? I mean really?

People out there keep it a secret, they are ashamed of it. I say bollocks. I know how hard it is to pluck up the guts to admit you have a problem and you should be proud of achieving the feat of getting help. All be it some times its about as useful as a chocolate tea pot but for some it can really help. Its obvious however that the many sessions on that couch never helped me. Otherwise I wouldn't be wasting my time telling the world how shit my life is. I don't like the stereotype of an Emo. But I guess if an outsider were to stereotype me, I would be such a thing. PHAAA. What a load of bollocks. If there is one thing I hate in the modern day culture its stereotyping. For me to say that however is very hypocritical, I'm forever walking past a guy in a suit of lines, listening to MC and smoking a dog end and classing him as a chav. Looking back on it its disgusting as I hate to be stereotyped but its just become a regular day to day activity.

The thing that stereotyping doesn't take into consideration is the fact that ever single person in the world is different. With no exceptions, all be it, some more beautiful than others. But every single person has upsides, everyone has down sides and no one is perfect. Anyone who thinks they are is kidding themselves and you need to get your head out of your urethra. A thing that's shocked me recently is this "search for perfection". Everyone running around, reading the back of food packets and planning their diets. I my self am very over weight. But I am who I am. People can love me if they want, if not they can take themselves else where. I don't need you. Many people talk of the "inner beauty" but how many of you can honestly stand there and say you have never judged a person by their looks? Got to know them before you made up your mind? At a guess there's none of you out there. I myself, a hater of being judged, have judged many people. A major, major contributor to the obsession for perfection is the media. and its all a load of bull. Editors owe a lot to Photoshop I say.

Anyway, I'm wandering into the realms of a very feminine subject here and will leave you to think what you like. All I'm saying is no one is perfect and you are what you are. Don't ever compare yourself or others to anyone. We are all unique people. And we are all beautiful, you need to feel good about yourself.

Love has no eyes.

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